Friday, September 13, 2013


Big things are happening at our house!  We have put our house on the market to sell.  It is way too much house, not enough yard, not enough shop and the neighbors are way too close for comfort.  I know we sound like hicks from the sticks, but when you grew up out in the middle of nowhere, to have someone that is right outside your kitchen window every time you go to do dishes it is a little much.  It is not that our neighbors are bad people, but we just aren’t very social in our neighborhood for very specific reasons.  We like our privacy and don’t need someone there all the time asking what we are doing and wanting to have conversations as you are trying to get work done. 
We will miss a few things about this house as we prepare for our next house buying adventure.  We will miss our neighbor across the street Mark.  Mark is an associate pastor at a non denominational church here in town.  He truly embodies what it is to live a Christ like life. He is always doing things to help others and is always watching out for every one in our neighborhood.  We never had to shovel the walk in front of our house.  Mark always had it done with his snow blower before we could even think about getting the shovel out.  He has helped Ian with trimming trees and how to get rid of obnoxious weeds from our front yard.  That will e something we will miss very much. 
We are getting excited to have the possibility of a shop for Ian and a little bit smaller house for me.  I just get tired of always having to clean our very large house that we don’t even use half of.  This has been an experience of finding out what doesn’t work for us as a couple and what we want in the long run for our home.  Since we can’t have children we have decided to downsize from a 5 bedroom house to a 3 bedroom house.  That gives us plenty of space for both of us and we will also have a guest room for when people come to visit. 

So if you know any one who is looking for a house to buy in American Falls, send them our way!